Monday, March 5, 2007

Stocking Up

One of the purposes of this blog is to chronicle some of the fleeting details of life that can't quite be captured in pictures or video. On that note, I wanted to preserve one of the sweetest exchanges that Noah and I regularly have when I (or he) is leaving for part of the day.

Simply put, we make sure that we are stocked up on our hugs, kisses, "I love you"s, stories, songs, adventures, etc. for the day. I "put" several of the aforementioned things into my hand, and hand them over to him for safekeeping until he decides to draw from them throughout the day.

Before long, he was reciprocating and trading off with me when we would say our goodbyes. I just wish I could wrap them up and keep them in a box somewhere as keepsakes of his childhood. Then again, I suppose I am already doing that in the memory keepsake box that is my heart. :)