Sunday, January 27, 2008

Days Go By

How I wish life had a "pause" button.  All the moments that are meaningful are speeding by in a constant blur.  I wish I had the self-discipline to write in my blog more regularly, however mundane the "memory" seems at the moment.  Memories, like wine or cheese, only improve as time goes by.  It's not that I want to chronicle every single miniscule detail of every event that comes across my radar; I just want to capture a snapshot that will trigger other memories and feelings later in life, when I am looking back, as I always seem to be doing.

I don't feel very articulate tonight.  I have so many thoughts and feelings scrambling for supremacy in the forefront of my mind that I end up instead with a jumbled mishmash of vague impressions that I can't quite express adequately.  This post is my lame attempt to express a little pointless frustration at my chronic failure to put myself into words.

Blah blah blah....