Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Bedtime Train

Since I'm using this blog to preserve personal family memories, I thought I'd mention the latest bedtime routine that Noah and I have.  It goes something like this:

ME: (making train noises as Mommy gives Noah his imaginary golden ticket)  All aboard!  Tickets please!

NOAH: (extending the ticket to me)  Here you go!

ME: (closely inspecting the ticket)  Another golden ticket!?!  Someone must love you VERY much!

NOAH: (grinning from ear to ear) My momma does!

ME: (punches ticket and hands it back before picking Noah up in my arms)  LAST CALL!!!

NOAH AND ME: (as Noah pretends to pull the train whistle)  WHOO WHOO!!!!  (singing together as we make our way upstairs) "All aboard the bedtime train....."

It varies sometimes, but Noah loves the routine!  Of course, he enjoys it more if there is a story still to be told as he's tucked in.  Sometimes the story is from a book, but more often than not, it's from DADDY'S BOOK OF TRULY INCREDIBLE TALES OF ADVENTURE.  But that's another post entirely for another time.  :-)

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