Sunday, December 7, 2008

Too Much Social Networking, Too Little Blogging

I am a late arriver to Facebook.  I’ve had an account there, along with MySpace for some time, but I only used them sporadically, mostly to keep in touch with the younger members of my extended family.  Over the past month, however, my wife and I have suddenly found ourselves connecting with more and more of the people we know, as well as reconnecting with old friends, classmates, and acquaintances from our past.  In many respects, it has felt like one great big reunion, and has been a wonderful experience.

The downside is that in getting so connected is that I have realized just how much I have neglected the online activities that have meant the most to me, such as writing regularly in this blog.  Looking back over the dates, I am embarrassed to see such gaps in time, as if those gaps suggest periods of my life where I just didn’t care about what was happening in my life.  That couldn’t be any farther from the truth.  I love to chronicle everything in some way or another, usually by photographs or by my ever-present video camera, but I have always had a special fondness for words.

I’ve written far too many posts in the past (most of them deleted in hindsight) vowing to do better and to write regularly, so I know better than to do it again.  In my heart, I would write everyday, or at least once or twice a week, but I will let this post serve as my yearly reminder to myself to step up the pace a bit.  I only get to go through this life once, and if I write down the memories, thoughts, and feelings for no one else, I write them for myself.  Unfortunately, that particular audience tends to be the harshest of critics of my efforts…

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